Friday 8 April 2011

Moral 3: One who makes no mistakes makes nothing

Hello Readers,

Today is all about Moral 3: One who makes no mistakes makes nothing. Have you ever come across the quote: "Learn from your mistakes"? No? What this quote insinuates is that without mistakes there is no improvement. 
Let me give you some examples: 

      1) Leonardo Da Vinci:  Possibly the greatest painter did actually ruin the Mona Lisa, 4 or 5 times in fact. Her nose. Leonardo couldn't get Mona's nose right and therefore made mistakes. Due to these mistakes The Mona Lisa painting is now the world's most famous painting and arguably the best painting in the world too. Without the mistakes that Leonardo had made the Mona Lisa wouldn't be improved to the quality it is now. 

      2) Albert Einstein:  It took Einstein 10 long painful years, (1895-1905), to finally deduce the Theory of Relativity (E=mc2). Imagine that, 10 whole years of mistake after mistake after mistake. But Einstein didn't give up. So many scientists now benefit from this equation which lead to even more discovery within physics it self. These 10 years of mistakes and hard work also won him a Noble prize in Physics in 1921. 

There are so many other examples as well, lets take you. You have been in a maths class before right? When you learn a new topic lets say Trigonometry, you don't get it right the first time do you? It takes practice and mistakes for you to finally arrive at the right answer. You want another one? When you were a baby and you just started to learn to walk from crawling, you initially fell quite a lot but in the end you managed to pull it off. All that hard work and mistakes eventually got you to walk; one of the essentials in life. If there is only one thing you get out of all of this it is that without mistakes there is nothing. 

And the moral of the story is........ One who makes no mistakes makes nothing, never give up and without pain there is no gain.

Thanks for reading, hopefully I will blog some more morals but for now you have been fantastic readers and I have been Azam Baig.


Wednesday 6 April 2011

Moral 2: If you can believe, you can achieve

Hello Readers,

Today is all about Moral 2: If you can believe, you can achieve. Have you ever heard someone like a friend, a teacher or a family member say "believing is achieving"? Well it's about time you have because it's true believe it or not. Ha! Did you see what I did there? "believe it or not" : "believing is achieving" Lol! I crack my self up. 

Anyway back to my point. According to the Oxford English Dictionary the meaning of the word believe is: "vb to accept as true or real". The word believe is a verb; a verb is a doing word. So unless you start to believe, unless you perform this act you will not achieve. It's no good saying "Oh, I might be able to get a grade A" or "I think I can get an A in my exam", you actually need to believe. That is if you do sufficient revision of course don't get me wrong believing is only a step closer to success, only a part of success. It is only when you realise that you are capable of doing an act that you actually do so. 

I'm sure you have heard of a story when like an incredibly ill patient recovers miraculously besides what the doctor had predicted. The doctor might have even asked you to say your goodbyes to your close one. Now how do you think he/she recovered? Medicine? Eating some food? God? Well it can't have been medicine, the doctor doesn't tell you the worst before treating the patient remember. I'm not even sure my-self but I think it's to do with the brain. Apparently 50% of all medical treatments are psychological. Imagine that, if you believe you can get better or recovery you can! Again it's the whole point of believing not thinking. So this patient in my eyes has recovered because they genuinely did believe they can do better because they maybe have wanted to see a particular person or do a particular thing before they wanted to die. It is only when you realise that you are capable of doing an act that you actually do so.  

And the moral of the story is....... If you can believe, you can achieve. This will get you far in life. 
                                               ( Also getting good GCSE results won't hurt anyone) :) 

Thanks for reading, hopefully I will blog some more morals but for now you have been fantastic readers and I have been Azam Baig. 


Tuesday 5 April 2011

Moral 1: We all have a brain; lets use it.

Hello Readers,

Today is all about Moral 1: We all have a brain; lets use it. Albert Einstein once said that a human uses only 20% of its brain. Come to think of it, that's so true. Have you ever seen someone do something so bizarre, something so stupid, something so ridiculous? Well I have. Let me tell you about it.

Once I went to see a "3-D" film . (For some reason nowadays if a movie is not in "3-D" nobody is going to watch it?). There you go stupid point number 1. While I was watching this "3-D" movie an advert came on starring a cartoon animated blue cat. It was no big deal just an advert on cat food I think. Then suddenly, without warning some retarded girls on the right one row down from me started feeding the blue cat popcorn; they were throwing popcorn at a "3-D" animated blue cat as if it was actually going to eat it, at the same time they were saying "Come here kitty-kitty, mwahh mwahh" (kissing sounds)! Oh My God! There you go stupid point number 2.

But lets get back to the original point. Now the story which I will tell you now I think was made to be an example for Moral 1. Ok here it is. My dads friend was trying to by a sat-nav a couple of years back. But he had a tendency of wanting things that are state-of-the-art and obviously state-of-the-art items are extremely expensive especially if they were released fairly soon. Then one day he found the perfect one (I can't remember what make and model it was, sorry). It was on eBay and guess how much for? £50, retail price was £400 odd.
But sometimes products on the internet look too good to be true. So he phoned up the seller and found out that it was an old woman, the product was genuine, her reason for selling was "I initially brought it for my son but for some reason the sat-nav is set on German; all the commands are in German and my son doesn't speak German so he didn't want it." He eventually did buy the sat-nav, for £50. Now your probably wondering why? why do such a thing? You don't speak German you crazy man! And your right, he doesn't speak German. But here is where everybody falls short. This is where he realised he had a brain and he also realised he's going to use it which is my ultimate aim for you readers; use your brain. And no! he didn't use his brain to learn German. What he did was he found the reset button, pressed it and set the language settings to English.

And the moral of the story is....... use your brain because it will get you far in life.

Thanks for reading, hopefully I will blog some more morals but for now you have been fantastic readers and I have been Azam Baig.